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Social Event - Experience Sharing on Long-run Training

Date, time & venue

2019-01-16;7:30pm to 9:30pm;Shatin Sports ground (opposite to Lik Yuen Estate); meet in the back end

Social Event - Experience Sharing on Long-run Training


Date: 16th Jan 2019 Wednesday

Time: 7:30pm to 9:30pm

Venue: Shatin Sports ground (opposite to Lik Yuen Estate); meet in the back end

Cost: free

Coach: Mr. Cheung Chung Wai , HKAAA approved running coach


According to individual capability, participants will be divided into different groups for different intensity training.


Max: 15 persons

Enrollment: tamthomas@hotmail.com


Enquiry: Ir Thomas Tam (9049 2987; tamthomas@hotmail.com)





Experience Sharing on Long-run Training

By Ir Charles So


This long-run training experience sharing was held in the evening on 16 January 2019 at Shatin Sports Ground.  In this training session, the participants were divided into different groups for training of different intensities.  After warm-up exercise, the participants had a training of running for 1km and then slow jogging for 200m for 8 cycles.  A relatively higher heart beat rate had to be maintained throughout the exercise for endurance training.  Finally, the participants run 9.6 km in total.


Our voluntary coach, Mr Cheung Chung Wai, is a HKAAA-approved running coach and he offered expertise to individuals to release their potentials and to improve their running gesture for long-run.  He also provided professional advice for those participants who are considering to participate in Marathons.


In this event, all the participants had a 2-hour training filled with sweat and joy. This event was very informative and fruitful and greatly enhanced the participants’ knowledge on long-run. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Mr Cheung Chung Wai and Ir Thomas Tam for their contribution to this event.      



Ir Thomas Tam (left) presenting souvenir to the coach, Mr Cheung Chung Wai (right).



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